The 30-Day Leadership Visibility


Throughout September

30 days to remove your blocks, make a bigger impact, and get more visible as a leader in tech.

Calling all leaders in tech!

Register NOW to get this 30 day challenge training for FREE & make 2021 your best year ever as a leader! *The value of this challenge is $147, but you are getting it for FREE as I want to help more women in tech level-up their leadership and get recognised for their talents. 

During this 30-day online challenge, we’re going to be digging into:

☑︎ How to go from feeling stuck to feeling in control of your leadership and on the right path!

☑︎ Understand what is holding you up and holding you back professionally, and what you can do about it. 

☑︎ Learn how to get listened to, and sought out for your insights and opinions.

☑︎ Build your leadership confidence in simple steps so you stop second guessing and instead show up with the confidence you know you deserve. 

☑︎ Learn how to increase your impact (and subsequently your income), without burning out or working harder, so you can grow into your full leadership potential. 

☑︎ Figure out what to focus on, that is going to really move the needle for you, your career, your team and your organization.  FAST.

Most important of all:

This 30-day challenge is all about taking simple small actions, that add up to big impact, so you can see positive change in your career (and life) without burning out. 

This challenge is for you if:

✅ You are a woman in tech.
✅​ You want to achieve more and make a bigger impact but you’re struggling with overwhelm, lack of focus, uncertainty or a lack of confidence in your career.
✅​ You aren’t exactly where you want to be in your career and you have concerns about your career advancement or a lack of growth opportunities.
✅​ You might have a great role on paper, but you are craving more. More impact. More satisfaction. More influence.
✅​ You are ready and willing to take action. ​ ​

Who this challenge is not for:

❌ You are not willing to invest time in your professional development — you don’t need a lot of time, but this is for women who are committed to their growth. 
❌ You aren’t willing to challenge your own assumptions — leadership growth is about understanding who we are as people more than anything else. 
❌ Students and entrepreneurs (sorry this is for women who are either currently in or about to enter a leadership role).
❌ You are rude or negative. This challenge is a safe space for people to learn and connect. 

What does this challenge look like

Every day during September you will get a new short video training to accelerate your leadership. These nuggets of wisdom are each designed to be highly actionable and give you results as soon as you start embedding the actions described. You will also get the opportunity to ask me any questions in the private community Slack Workspace.

What's covered?

There’s 30 nuggets of highly actionable wisdom coming your way, but we’ll be diving into areas including: 
  • Building your credibility and influence
  • Leadership confidence and levelling with your second guessing
  • Executive Presence (oh yes, that old favourite!)
  • The core executive leadership skills that I see many leaders missing.
  • Taking ownership of your career. 

Don’t just take my word for it though. 

See what some of the women how have worked with me have to say about how their leadership and careers have unlevelled. 


“Toni is an amazing coach and a wonderful human being. She helped me harness my voice to advocate for my ideas and self-worth. She challenged my old way of thinking and helped me retrain my brain to be a better problem solver.”

— Jen Paxton, VP of People & Talent

With Toni’s help I was able to get my dream job! Toni has helped me clarify what my unique talents are and what I can bring to a company and career, fight imposter syndrome, strategize when I’m particularly challenged at work, and help me learn how to effectively present myself.”

— J

“Toni has an amazing ability to look right at the core of the issue… Her ability to combine logical reasoning with emotional intelligence has helped me to create more sustainable and holistic strategies that really work for me.”

— A. R.

“Toni’s experience of business, academia, and the not-for-profit sector gives her a rare level of insight into the problems facing women as they rise through the ranks in any sector, especially technical women. Toni has been there, seen and done that, and she knows exactly how to manage it.
Signing on to coaching with Toni has been a life-changing experience, and a real step up for my organisation. She’s extraordinary”

— Linda McIver, CEO
“Toni is the real deal! Within weeks of working together I’d gone from being told ‘we don’t have space at the Exec Team’ to being offered a seat at the table.”

— Anon, VP Engineering

“As soon as I started working with Toni we plowed straight into some major sticking points in my career… I’ve become empowered to have those difficult conversations and know that the outcome will be successful. During my time working with Toni I’ve turned around the Web Team at Tile – something that has benefitted not just me but the entire business. Toni challenges me and pushes me, but lovingly and in a way that feels safe and I’m actually able to address and dig into deeper issues. I’ve worked with other coaches before, but Toni has been able to really empower me to think about the things I need to focus on and think about how it’s all intertwined.”

— Jossie Haines, VP of Engineering

“Where I am now compared to when I started working with Toni is a real recognition of the importance of me speaking up at work and pushing back with my colleagues. As a people pleaser this has been hard for me to come to terms with. But I am now acutely aware that acquiescing to my colleagues is not actually the best thing for the business. There is a value that I bring to the organisation that is lost if I don’t speak up. And so, although it still may feel uncomfortable for me at this point, that realisation propels me to do it anyway. Thanks to Toni I am now on the road to being a recovering people pleaser, I know what I need to do to push through my impostor syndrome, and I even have on my desk a list of the solutions for my impostor syndrome symptoms to provide me with the clarity on actions I need to be taking each time my self-doubt kicks in.”

— N

Hi, I'm Toni Collis, an Executive Leadership Coach, and the face behind the Leading Women in Tech Podcast.

The world desperately needs great leaders in the tech industry. And those leaders need to include women. 

Right now, only 9% of CEOs and Managing Directors are women. And that’s simply not enough. When technology provides solutions to every challenge we face as a species, from tackling climate change, to educating our children (not to mention providing us with entertainment), not having women at the table is a huge problem, not just for us as women in tech, but for the entire human race. 

Women need to not just have a seat at the table, but a voice at the table. 

But the playing field is most definitely not fair. Or level. And I’m on a mission to change that. 

When women rise up, better technology is built, and we level the playing field for those following in our footsteps. 

I’ve been working in tech my entire career, and I’ve been the only woman in many rooms since the age of 16. I’ve been voted 2016’s ‘Outstanding Leader in High Performance Computing’ by the international readership of HPCWire. And I’ve built organisations from the ground up that now span the globe. I’ve worked my way to the Executive Table in the tech industry, and I I’ve experienced many of the challenges that we all face as women working in a male dominated environment. 

And now I want to share with you how I got there and achieved all that, so I can give you the leg up that starts to level the playing field, so you can do the same for the women behind you. 

I can’t wait to meet you and cheer you on!

Toni xx



198: Mindfulness in Leadership: Cultivating Presence